Letter from NHS Booking service saying they've been asked to contact me to make an appointment for Ultrasound: Thorax & Pleural Cavity. It seems that "as soon as you receive this letter" ring the booking clerk, except the booking clerk's only open Mon - Fri 9-12 & 2-4pm (Why can't I have a 2hr lunch?) and if the line's engaged, keep trying, and if you don't get through before 10 days of receiving the letter - Oh, so today's the second of October, so before the 12th...but they sent it on 30th Sept, and 1st Class post should arrive next day, so maybe they think I'll have got it on 1st, so before 11th... or is it 10 working days? (making it 2 weeks?)
Oh, what the heck, I'm intending to call on Monday straight after the morning school run, and right before calling the staff emergency line to see if we're open again...
And. I must remember to do under my arms before the scan... don't want another stressor like I had when I saw the GP... for some reason, I thought the doc would just look at the lump, so chose a jumper that was appropriate with a wide neck... didn't occur to me that a full breast exam would be needed, or I'd have... umm... prepared better! (Ask if you want more specific detail!)
So, woke up at 11am - Tesco arrived at 11:57am (A whole 3 minutes early!) - Hubby's in the kitchen now rearranging the tin cupboard. It seems that we're having a tea-time babysitter to cover the time between me setting off to college and Hubby arriving home from Overtime... 4:30pm to 6:45pm. So, hoping that she'll feed the kids, especially if I say she's welcome to do something for herself too, I've bought LOADS of easy foods that just need tipping in to a jug and shoving in a microwave at most. (Heinz Spag Bol, Heinz Ravioli, Heinz Sommat & Meatballs, Not Poodles) - these are also the sorts of foods that DS1 can manage to do himself when college send him home unexpectedly... anyway - there's the intention, for lovely babysitter to feed obnoxious sons otherwise they have to wait until hubby returns and can sort something out.
Anyway - off to measure DS2's mattress - He has an Argos shortie high sleeper which is a non-standard size, and the mattress in it is rubbish - we've had to wrap it in an old thick blanket so he doesn't feel the springs poking him from inside it when he lies down!!! And we've (and by that I mean "I've") found a bed manufacturer in Burnley area who I can ask if they would make a non-standard size mattress for him - hope its not expensive!
And then to do all the other stuff that I can hear my phone singing to itself about - I left it in bed when I woke up... fatal flaw in the Organisation Plan- if the phone's out of earshot, everything gets missed!